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Office design, fit out and refurbishment help & advice

6 Low Effort Plants for Your Office

Biophilic design has long been on the increase in UK offices and with employers keen to get employees back into the workplace, many more are looking at ways to create a far more inviting, calming and predictive workspace than before. Integrating nature into the workplace can transform it into a tranquil and welcoming haven but office plants come with their own set of challenges, particularly in windowless offices.

Today, windowless offices have become the norm, and research from The Journalist’s Resource shows that employees in such environments tend to be less content, less healthy, and more stressed compared to those working in spaces with natural light. Fortunately, there are pragmatic ways to foster a comfortable and appealing atmosphere in a windowless office without resorting to drastic measures like relocation.

Recent research by Human Spaces reveals that biophilic design can boost both productivity and creativity by up to 15%, with office plants playing a pivotal role. According to Lauriane Suyin Chalmin-Pui, a Wellbeing Postdoctoral Fellow at the Royal Horticultural Society, office plants offer several benefits, including improved air quality, enhanced cognitive performance, reduced stress levels, and relief from symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Low-maintenance office plants can be a game-changer. While the idea of caring for numerous office plants with varying demands might sound daunting there are many plants that require little effort to thrive and in turn will are guaranteed to rejuvenate your office space with minimal effort. 

Here are our top recommendations for low maintenance office plants;

  • Sansevieria (Snake Plant): Renowned for its strength and resilience, Sansevieria thrives in low-light and low-nutrient conditions, making it an ideal choice for a desk plant.
  • Philodendron: The Heart-Leaf Philodendron, thriving in low to medium light, adds a unique dimension to your office space, whether hung from the ceiling or placed in pots.
  • Pothos: Known for adaptability, Pothos can flourish in diverse conditions, making it a versatile choice for office decor.
  • Spider Plant: A low-maintenance choice, Spider Plants are shade-tolerant and forgiving of occasional neglect.
  • Peace Lily: With its graceful appearance and ability to thrive in low light, the Peace Lily adds a touch of sophistication to dimly lit offices.
  • Bamboo Palm: Recognizable by its vibrant foliage, the Bamboo Palm prefers north-facing rooms and is pet-friendly, making it a perfect addition to animal-friendly offices.

Incorporating plants into your office fit-out or refurbishment is a decision that not only benefits the physical environment but also the well-being and productivity of your employees.. So, whether you’re planning a complete office overhaul or a simple makeover, don’t forget to include plants in your design. Your employees will thank you for it!

For more information, Call us on 0800 612 2107
