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Office design, fit out and refurbishment help & advice

Office Interior Design Trends of 2020

office interior designs
2020 is just days away, and that means that designers, architects and creatives around the world have been busy deciding what’s hot for the new year. In this article, Arc Business Interiors are going to look at the office design trends for 2020 – maybe you’ll find some inspiration here!

Dynamic spaces

The first trend we’re going to look at isn’t a new colour scheme or the latest fashionable sofa. Dynamic spaces refers to the fluid nature of workspaces now – lightweight furniture and ergonomic design allowing for multi-functional spaces to be created. For example, portable dividers that can be assembled and disassembled at will to create private areas when they’re needed. Dynamic spaces are particularly suited to workplaces that encourage a collaborative approach – we touched on the various types of office culture in a previous article.

Reconciling with remote working

Remote working is becoming increasingly popular, and more and more businesses are recognising the need to accommodate for this. What this means is that spaces are being redesigned to better complement the creature comforts of home whilst fostering a sense of collaboration, relaxation and comfort. Games rooms, bars, even sleeping pods are being incorporated into offices to bring a sense of home into the workplace without compromising on productivity. Co-working spaces like WeWork are leading the way for these types of environments, with forward-thinking design and unique locations proving immensely popular with professionals.

Suspended shrubbery

Plants in a workplace isn’t a revolutionary idea; they’re in offices all around the world, brightening up the space and also bringing their health benefits to employees through biophilic design. However, while plant pots in the corner of the room might be a common sight, less common is the hanging plant. In 2020, suspended plants are expected to make a big impact, particularly in premises where floor space is at a premium. Hanging the plants from the ceiling means there’s room to go big; hanging ferns cascading down, English Ivy floating above our heads – it’s a beautiful way to add greenery.

Monochrome magic

In design, monochromatic means something slightly different. While the dictionary definition means just using one colour, in design it is often used to mean taking advantage of the various shades of said colour. For example, if blue was the colour of choice in a monochromatic office, you could expect to see deep navy and powder blue in the same room, taking full advantage of the wide spectrum of hues. It helps to establish a consistent theme whilst including some subtle variations to keep the design interesting.

Above are three of the trends that are going to be hitting offices in 2020. From fluid workspaces to offices that blend the domestic lifestyle with the workplace, a new year is a chance to revamp your business and revitalise your workplace.

Arc Business Interiors are experts in office interior design, using our wealth of experience to create the most beautiful environments that facilitate productivity whilst providing an energising, attractive place to be. From office fit-outs to office furniture, our expertise is second to none, and we’re ready to transform your place of work. Get in touch with us today by filling in our handy contact form to find out more.

For more information, Call us on 0800 612 2107
