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The benefits of standing desks at work

standing desks
There’s a striking correlation between feeling lethargic and sitting down in the office for hours on end, so much so, many companies are revolutionising the way they operate in the office – with the use of standing desks. Standing desks are known to reduce the prominent post-lunch sluggish feeling, boost productivity, increase employees attention span and improve moods. For a little more information about the benefits of having standing desks at work, read on.

Boosts activity levels – an experiment was posted in the British Medical Journal where 146 NHS workers changed their normal seated desks for sit-stand desks. This study concluded that the employees agreed to feeling more energised and engaged with their daily tasks.

Standing can burn up to 50 calories per hour – meaning that if you were to stand for an extra 3 hours each day, you could burn around 30,000 calories over 200 days (6-7 month period).

Improves posture – studies have shown that those who use use standing desks have fewer musculoskeletal problems, opposed to those who sit at desks day in and day out. It has been proven by the NHS that we need to sit less in order to improve posture and encourage ourselves to be more active. Studies and statistics combined show that excessive sitting is linked to being overweight and having diabetes alongside weakened muscles and bones.

Ideal for creative companies – it’s important to feel engaged with your work especially if you’re in the creative industry and so, active (standing) workers are more likely to have active minds too, thus finding it easier to think outside the box. We’ve all been there, sat down for too long in a warm office just after lunch, feeling progressively drowsy and there’s a reason for that. You body responds to this sedentary behaviour and slowly shuts down parts of the mind, putting you into a relaxation mode. For a strong and healthy mind, it’s important to break up these long periods of sitting to ensure a good day’s work.

ARC Business Interiors offer a range of desks to suit specific requirements and budgets because we understand how important it is to find the finest furniture that suits your business and commercial environment. We operate throughout Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Birmingham, Manchester and London. For more information, get in touch with our experienced team today – we’re more than happy to help.

For more information, Call us on 0800 612 2107
